Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Howler 11/28/12

11/28/12 – You know…this is something that has been long overdue. When I first began my writing career…it was built on exactly this. Emotion, passion, and life experiences littered my early writings that eventually became my first two novels. Granted, there were a few ghost stories mixed into it for flavor…but ultimately…it was the story of ME. Tons of people read it when they could because they could relate so easily. Hell, it wasn’t even my idea to turn them into novels! One of my readers suggested that…and then it kind of just took off running by itself. By then, I was a monthly columnist for Black Orchid’s Manor magazine and I could use it as my outlet to reach others when I needed to. Then…I tried my hand, successfully I might add, at fiction. If Chad’s world is as crazy as he claims and he’s living the things that he says he lives…imagine the stories he could make up! I’ve been so preoccupied for so long with fiction that the truths have backed up like a mental traffic jam behind the imaginary world I have created regarding the Liberman family and the town of Twin Oaks, Texas. Don’t get me wrong, the Taste Of Home Trilogy is a passion of mine, but it was originally fueled by my real world. When reality was flowing freely, the fiction easily followed. It is time to clear that jam. When the mental waters of my mind are allowed to flow freely again…just imagine the other things that are destined to follow. Newspapers won’t hire me because I’m too controversial and tongue in cheek. That’s fine. Welcome to the new world. The internet reaches people faster and freely compared to dead timber covered in black ink. When this is all said and done, it will be like it was in the old days. I’ll look at the world through clear eyes once again not mucked up with a thousand thoughts fighting for position to jump from my razor sharp tongue. I’m a man of extremes. You’ll either want to fuck me or fear me. Rarely will there be an in-between. My fence isn’t wide enough to straddle comfortably. You’ll pick a side to stand on and linger. I guarantee it. For the past two years, rarely a creative word has escaped the confines of my mind because I ignored my roots for delusions of grandeur regarding my fiction. Sure, it’s floating around in Hollywood…but so are tons of other undiscovered stories. In the end, it may find its destination…but I can no longer wait on it. It’s time to move on. It’s time to go back to the roots that made people want to read me to begin with. I feel what they all feel but say what they’re afraid to say. It’s the truth from my point of view. I am not responsible for spreading the fuel but the spark that ignites it will be a different story. This week, I can pretty much sum it all up in one sentence. White, attractive, rich American women are the downfall of modern society. Think about it. Can you name one woman that is trying to offer a solution to the horrible state of things in this world that is a combination of all three of those characteristics? Keep thinking…don’t get mad just yet like I know you’re trying to do. I’m not talking about white women. I’m not talking about rich women. I’m not talking about attractive women. I’m talking about white + attractive + rich women. You can’t think of one, can you? Even if they’re not directly responsible…then they have a powerful man that they’re using as a puppet to spread their disease. Think about it. They sugar coat it from a young age in the form of a bait doll called Barbie to model little girls into little mini Barbie’s. A plastic army of pure evil .Put a trigger on an attractive vagina and any heterosexual man will do your bidding regardless of his wealth, stature, or welfare. Every single bad idea brought forward by a politician more than likely originated as pillow talk the night before by one of these above mentioned ‘goddesses’! What are the consequences of not complying? You already know the answer to that. It’s not so much the thought of losing access to said vagina…it’s the reoccurring nightmares of what their best friends and random strangers will be doing to it privately if they fail to obey the master. Sucks, doesn’t it? You can’t think of anyone. If you did…then you’re either overlooking the evil or spreading tasty frosting on the truth…and you’re probably a white, attractive, rich American woman. I feel so much better now. Howl, growl, snarl…

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